All in a Week’s Work

padauk shawl and hair sticks

Around here we are rarely idle. It’s hard to home educate and run a home based business any other way. It’s all in a week’s work most of the time. We do try to set aside one day a week for rest. This week has been filled with a variety of tasks.

Miscellaneous Stuff

I’ll start off with the news that my new phone and computer arrived. I took the picture with the phone so no shot of that. The new laptop is a nice upgrade, especially the 2.8K screen. I love my new S24 Ultra too. Jerry got my S22 Ultra.

Since the weather finally turned warm and dry, it was time to get the storage shed painted. The tornado damaged the roof and that was fixed right after Christmas. After that the weather prevented us from getting the painting done until this week.

Dyeing and Wood Finishing

While the guys were painting the shed, I was doing some wood product finishing and yarn dyeing.

The Shawl and Hair Sticks that we have been making are ready for the final steps. I applied the finish to them on Thursday. They need a day or two to dry and cure before packaging. I am so pleased with how the new Padauk ones look. I have them listed on the website. I still need to get pictures of the Padauk added this week, but they are available.

The yarn that you see up there is a custom order for a local percussion supply business. They use the yarn as a part of mallets for percussion instruments. I got this dyed on Saturday and wound it into balls for them yesterday.

Labeling and Packaging

In between these tasks, I got the labels ready to package the new Shawl and Hair Sticks. I have gotten some of them packaged but I still have the Purple Heart and Padauk ones to go after I finish writing this post.


To round out my post I will update you on what I am knitting at the moment.

The top down raglan sweater is a large size Classic Baby Cardigan for a booth sample. I am using the Earl Grey and Garnet Classic Merino Superwash Sport yarn. I should have enough of the Earl Grey to knit the body and sleeves. I may add some Garnet to the ribbing if needed.

The middle picture is a Spiral Effect Cowl for the booth in my Classic Merino Superwash Sock in Heather. I introduced this one in my last post. My update is that I am currently almost at the halfway point.

The third project is Stephen West’s Spiral Splash Socks from the Year of Socks 2024 collection. I am late casting this on, since it was the January release. I did at least start them on January 27th.

I am excited to make the February ones so I am going to try and speed through at least the first one so I can start the current month pattern soon. I’ll talk about that when I get there.