Books and movies

Let’s start with the knitting, shall we? It’s not much different from last time, but I am ready to start the heel gusset. Can you stand it? Eye rolling smile

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So, we saw Harry Potter yesterday, of course. My opinion is that it was pretty good. Okay, there are some deviations from the text as usual. Don’t we pretty much expect this though with book adaptations? The book is ALWAYS better and more detailed, in a good way. We get to know and love/hate the characters ten times better in the books than the movies. Film makers have a different medium to express their impressions of a work and there are always outside agendas in movies too. They are marketing certain aspects of the screenplay to fit their perceived target audience. That’s one of the reasons that I never watch a movie before reading a book if it is one I might have wanted to read anyway.

Take for example The Road. I hadn’t heard of it before the movie came out, but since Viggo Mortensen is one of my favorite actors I was interested in seeing it. I held off seeing it until after I had read the book though. I didn’t think I liked it for the first 20 pages or so, but after a bit more it grew on me and I finished it in a few days. It’s only something like 110 pages if I remember correctly, so it’s very concise and the dialogue is limited. I was surprised at how well the author was able to pull me into the lives of the characters in such a stark writing style, but he did. I highly recommend it. But, I digress.

Back to Harry Potter; I think these last two were probably my favorite. Not sure why. Maybe because I was moved by the emotion in them. The theme of the book came through, love triumphs over evil, despite the deviations from some of the actual events in the book. This theme is what makes the books so good. I think the movies are a fun addition to the books, but will never be a replacement for the real “story”.