Just Snow and Knitting Today

We are enduring what I hope will be all the real winter we are going to get this week. Sunday night and into Monday we got mostly freezing rain and sleet with a bit of snow on top. It has been frigid since then with temperatures well below freezing. It’s not predicted to rise above freezing until Saturday. We are under another Winter Storm Warning today through tomorrow. It’s just starting to snow now and we are supposed to get 2-5″. I know that sounds like not much but this is the south. We have main roads clear but neighborhood roads like ours have been a solid sheet of packed ice and snow since Sunday night. The salt doesn’t do much when it’s this cold and not many vehicles are out helping to make tracks. My husband is going to take me up to pick up a grocery order tomorrow if we can. His truck has 4 wheel drive; mine doesn’t. We are fine though. We have electricity and plenty of food. No worries yet, LOL.

So I have been knitting some at least. I made progress on both of my projects I have going at the moment. First I’ll show you the hand spun scarf for my son. I like it, but you sure never know what you’re gonna get color wise with hand dyed hand spun yarn, do you? It’s entertaining to see what comes out of the skein. ;-)

The afghan pieces are coming along too. I have exactly 22 more to make before I am ready to start assembling it. Here’s the four colors that I have all 10 completed.

Here’s the remaining 4 colors to finish. I have 6 out of 10 in the color on the top of the pile (the yellowish gray color) and 4 of each of the other 3 colors. That’s the 3 gray ones there in the front.

Well I hope you are all keeping warm and cozy too. I know there’s lots of snow and bitter cold in much of the country.

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