Good Times

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We drove to Severn, MD to visit Heather, Garrod and Willow yesterday.  Unfortunately my brother, sister-in-law and nephew took ill and couldn’t come over as was planned but hopefully we can catch up with them when they come to TN next month.

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We had fun laughing over memories from their childhood. Sometimes it’s hard to believe these lovely young women in my life were little girls not so long ago.

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And not to mention having little girls of their own now! I am still adjusting to the idea of being a grandmother. I don’t know how long it will take for it to feel real, but seeing and holding Willow is a treat.

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She takes after her mama in looks and in the way she is outgoing and friendly.

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I have no idea what was going on in this moment but I sure wish I did. LOL!

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Elijah was much more open to Willow this visit. Part of that was probably the fact that it was not on his home turf?

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Don’t you just love those big blue eyes?

So that was what we did yesterday. Today is our last day of “vacation” and tomorrow we move on to the next show site and it’s back to work, so we just hung around here and did some laundry and a little bit of shopping at the local mall.

shopping day

I was looking for a new hand bag because the lining in mine was torn and I was losing stuff in there. I found this one at the Belk and it was 40% off too. I moved my stuff into it right there in the mall and tossed my old one in the trash. LOL! My poor Atrix has been without a cover too, since whenever I look there are only iPhone ones, but as we are walking through the mall there was a kiosk with some pretty ones. I asked if they had Atrix covers, which they did and this is the one I picked out. There weren’t any green options I liked, so purple and blue, which are my fallback preference, are what I went with. Then we wandered in the music store and I spied the new 20th Anniversary Deluxe edition of Nirvana’s Nevermind. I was going to get this eventually anyway and this way no waiting for shipping was required. Not to mention we did our part to support the local economy. Smile


Oh, and the new camera arrived right on schedule today from Amazon. We gave it a test run as you see below.


Perfect! Smile

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