About Me

What are the things about me that define me? Good question.

First of all I am a believer in Jesus Christ as my Savior. That is the underpinning of all that I am. Everything else is my passions and interests. They are the activities and interests that fill my time. I love them all passionately, and they add so much to my life. They are not however MY LIFE. Jesus is the author of my soul; who made me with the desire to create things with my hands and my body; to feed my mind and soul with books and music; to dream and contemplate the meaning behind all these pursuits.

So what are those things which I so adore to spend my time and resources? My first love is books. I was introduced to a love for reading from infancy, and I can’t imagine a life without books. I have a few favorite contemporary authors, but my main genre is classics. I have an affinity for British Literature but have also dipped extensively into French and Russian works. If I had to pick one contemporary author as a favorite it would have to be Stephen King. As for my favs of the classics I would say, Thomas Hardy and W Somerset Maugham are at the top of the list.

Okay, next would be music. I was raised on Classical stuff. My father had it on the stereo most of the time, while my mother was more of a folk music fan in my early days; think artists like Joan Baez and Simon and Garfunkel. I certainly have an appreciation for those styles still but prefer to listen to rock most of the time.  I have many favorites here. Anywhere from Rush, Foo Fighters, and Led Zeppelin, to the AOR bands of the 70’s and 80’s. I like blues based stuff but also prog rock and some alternative stuff. You can check out my band list on my Facebook page. :-)

Now for the knitting. Ah….knitting. I love the rhythm of it. I also love how you get something out of it that is useable. There’s so much room for experimenting if you’re inclined because there’s basically no risk but your time. If it doesn’t work out or you make a mistake; no harm done. Just rip it out and start over. Or not. It’s such a forgiving medium. I am not afraid to try anything, but I mostly enjoy making sweaters, socks, and finger-less mitts. I use a lot of lace stitches in all the above, but a nice shawl or scarf is usually on the needles too.

Shawls and cowls made from Knitting Notions yarns

All this knitting also leads to a love of yarn; which for me, led to a love of dyeing my own yarn.  That grew into a whole other world of becoming a small business owner of our own yarn and fiber tools manufacturing company, Knitting Notions. We produce most of what we sell ourselves. We sell them at Fiber Festivals in many different US locations as well as on our own website. 

Knitting Notions yarn handling tool line

Now, how is all of this possible to accomplish you may wonder? Well I have a large family and our life is centered on our home. My husband and I have ten children, seven girls and three boys, and since we home educate them we have some freedoms to set our own schedule. Studies for the children are supposed to be primary; and we do make them a priority but we also are flexible when we need to be. Life these days is so full of distractions, isn’t it? There is so much out there competing for our attention. We try to manage a balance between work and play. :-) We all have roles around here and most days we get the job done.

Dye days at Knitting Notions studio

In conclusion, I hope that I have given you a little bit of a view into what I am about and that you enjoy spending a few minutes of your day talking with me here. :-)

10 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Not sure where you live, but I live in Kalamazoo MI and I had a very good Friend who was a Master at Knitting…I miss her dearly. She also made the same sweater..Elle Funt.. for my daughter. I still have it. Packed away for when she has children. She knitted my children so many different things and she also make her own yarn like you..you remind me of her. I wish I was a better knitter, I know how to knit stitch and that is about it. I knit a blanket for my youngest daughter years ago, but due to a stroke I have forgotten how to make the other stitches. I wish my friend was still around to help me relearn. I just wanted to let you know that you minded me of a very special friend…and of a time that was special to me..Thanks for the memories! Cindy Towery

    1. How very kind of you. I am sorry for your loss of your friend. I hope that you can find someone to refresh you memory on how to knit. I know I would be sad if I didn’t have knitting in my life. Thank you for your comment. :-)

  2. Your yarn is beautiful! I saw it on little big knits podcast and looked you up. I’m in Mississippi, so we’re almost neighbors.
    Hope to order some delicious yarn soon

    1. Hi Rebecca! Thanks so much for checking out my yarns and blog. P.easeblet me know if you have any questions if you decide to purchase anything online. I am hoping to get out and vend at some festivals later this year. If you ever go to those, my event calendar is also on the website. Email direct if you like at knittingnotions@gmail.com.

  3. Hi Catherine. I’m Catherine. I just spent lots and lots and lots of time scanning your blog. I’ve never seen the like! Wow! How do you find time to do so much? I’m so impressed and, yes, you and yours are truly blessed. Your website makes me happy. 😊 Well done.

    1. Thank you so much! I appreciate the time you took to look over my blog. I also thank you for your order. 🙂 Hope you have a blessed day!

      1. Just downloaded my patterns. Impressive detail! I grew up in Kingsport, have relatives in Knoxville and used to have many in Chattanooga. My daughter got married 2 years ago at East Ivy Mansion in Nashville. Hope to run into you at a yarn event. Seriously, how do you find all the time! I’m inspired! : ) Have a happy day.

      2. Thank you! I would love to meet you and have a chat, so please do introduce yourself if you make it to a festival.

  4. I’m making a Christmas present and I don’t have enough Classic Merino Superwash DK Crimson Dye lot 72021 Any chance you can help me??? Is the dye lot important ??

    1. I have sent you a direct email. Thanks for your question. :-)

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